Insurance Code – INS § 799.02
Notwithstanding subdivision (f) of Section 120980 of the Health and Safety Code or any other provisions of law, a life or disability income insurer may decline a life or disability income insurance application or enrollment request on the basis of a positive ELISA test followed by a positive Western Blot Assay performed by or at the direction of the insurer on the same specimen of the applicant.
This authorization applies only to policies, certificates, and applications for coverage (a) that are issued, delivered, or received on or after the effective date of the urgency statute amending this section enacted during the 1989 portion of the 1989-90 Regular Session and (b) the issuance or granting of which is otherwise contingent upon medical review for other diseases or medical conditions to be effective.
This article shall not be construed to prohibit an insurer from declining an application or enrollment request for insurance because the applicant has been diagnosed as having AIDS or ARC by a medical professional.