Penal Code PC § 296.1
(a) The specimens, samples, and print impressions required by this chapter shall be collected from persons described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 for present and past qualifying offenses of record as follows:
(1) Collection from any adult person following arrest for a felony offense as specified in subparagraphs (A) , (B) , and (C) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 296 :
(A) Each adult person arrested for a felony offense as specified in subparagraphs (A) , (B) , and (C) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 296 shall provide the buccal swab samples and thumb and palm print impressions and any blood or other specimens required pursuant to this chapter immediately following arrest, or during the booking or intake or prison reception center process or as soon as administratively practicable after arrest, but, in any case, prior to release on bail or pending trial or any physical release from confinement or custody.
(B) If the person subject to this chapter did not have specimens, samples, and print impressions taken immediately following arrest or during booking or intake procedures or is released on bail or pending trial or is not confined or incarcerated at the time of sentencing or otherwise bypasses a prison inmate reception center maintained by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the court shall order the person to report within five calendar days to a county jail facility or to a city, state, local, private, or other designated facility to provide the required specimens, samples, and print impressions in accordance with subdivision (i) of Section 295 .
(2) Collection from persons confined or in custody after conviction or adjudication:
(A) Any person, including any juvenile who is imprisoned or confined or placed in a state correctional institution, a county jail, a facility within the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Corrections Standards Authority, a residential treatment program, or any state, local, city, private, or other facility after a conviction of any felony or misdemeanor offense, or any adjudication or disposition rendered in the case of a juvenile, whether or not that crime or offense is one set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , shall provide buccal swab samples and thumb and palm print impressions and any blood or other specimens required pursuant to this chapter, immediately at intake, or during the prison reception center process, or as soon as administratively practicable at the appropriate custodial or receiving institution or the program in which the person is placed, if:
(i) The person has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication as a ward of the court in California of a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication in any other court, including any state, federal, or military court, of any offense that, if committed or attempted in this state, would have been punishable as an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 ; and
(ii) The person’s blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and thumb and palm print impressions authorized by this chapter are not in the possession of the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory or have not been recorded as part of the department’s DNA databank program.
(3) Collection from persons on probation, parole, or other release:
(A) Any person, including any juvenile, who has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication for an offense set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , and who is on probation, parole, postrelease community supervision, or mandatory supervision pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (h) of Section 1170 for any felony or misdemeanor offense, whether or not that crime or offense is one set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , shall provide buccal swab samples and thumb and palm print impressions and any blood specimens required pursuant to this chapter, if:
(i) The person has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication as a ward of the court in California of a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication in any other court, including any state, federal, or military court, of any offense that, if committed or attempted in this state, would have been punishable as an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 ; and
(ii) The person’s blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and thumb and palm print impressions authorized by this chapter are not in the possession of the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory or have not been recorded as part of the department’s DNA databank program.
(B) The person shall have any required specimens, samples, and print impressions collected within five calendar days of being notified by the court, or a law enforcement agency or other agency authorized by the Department of Justice. The specimens, samples, and print impressions shall be collected in accordance with subdivision (i) of Section 295 at a county jail facility or a city, state, local, private, or other facility designated for this collection.
(4) Collection from parole violators and others returned to custody:
(A) If a person, including any juvenile, who has been released on parole, furlough, or other release for any offense or crime, whether or not set forth in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , is returned to a state correctional or other institution for a violation of a condition of his or her parole, furlough, or other release, or for any other reason, that person shall provide buccal swab samples and thumb and palm print impressions and any blood or other specimens required pursuant to this chapter, at a state correctional or other receiving institution, if:
(i) The person has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication as a ward of the court in California of a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication in any other court, including any state, federal, or military court, of any offense that, if committed or attempted in this state, would have been punishable as an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 ; and
(ii) The person’s blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and thumb and palm print impressions authorized by this chapter are not in the possession of the Department of Justice DNA Laboratory or have not been recorded as part of the department’s DNA databank program.
(5) Collection from persons accepted into California from other jurisdictions:
(A) When an offender from another state is accepted into this state under any of the interstate compacts described in Article 3 (commencing with Section 11175 ) or Article 4 (commencing with Section 11189 ) of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of Part 4 of this code, or Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1400) of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code , or under any other reciprocal agreement with any county, state, or federal agency, or any other provision of law, whether or not the offender is confined or released, the acceptance is conditional on the offender providing blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and palm and thumb print impressions pursuant to this chapter, if the offender has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication in California of a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or has a record of any past or present conviction or adjudication or had a disposition rendered in any other court, including any state, federal, or military court, of any offense that, if committed or attempted in this state, would have been punishable as an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 .
(B) If the person is not confined, the specimens, samples, and print impressions required by this chapter must be provided within five calendar days after the person reports to the supervising agent or within five calendar days of notice to the person, whichever occurs first. The person shall report to a county jail facility in the county where he or she resides or temporarily is located to have the specimens, samples, and print impressions collected pursuant to this chapter. The specimens, samples, and print impressions shall be collected in accordance with subdivision (i) of Section 295 .
(C) If the person is confined, he or she shall provide the blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and thumb and palm print impressions required by this chapter as soon as practicable after his or her receipt in a state, county, city, local, private, or other designated facility.
(6) Collection from persons in federal institutions:
(A) Subject to the approval of the Director of the FBI, persons confined or incarcerated in a federal prison or federal institution who have a record of any past or present conviction or juvenile adjudication for a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , or of a similar crime under the laws of the United States or any other state that would constitute an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , are subject to this chapter and shall provide blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and thumb and palm print impressions pursuant to this chapter if any of the following apply:
(i) The person committed a qualifying offense in California.
(ii) The person was a resident of California at the time of the qualifying offense.
(iii) The person has any record of a California conviction for an offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 , regardless of when the crime was committed.
(iv) The person will be released in California.
(B) The Department of Justice DNA Laboratory shall, upon the request of the United States Department of Justice, forward portions of the specimens or samples, taken pursuant to this chapter, to the United States Department of Justice DNA databank laboratory. The specimens and samples required by this chapter shall be taken in accordance with the procedures set forth in subdivision (i) of Section 295 . The Department of Justice DNA Laboratory is authorized to analyze and upload specimens and samples collected pursuant to this section upon approval of the Director of the FBI.
(b) Paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of subdivision (a) shall have retroactive application. Collection shall occur pursuant to paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of subdivision (a) regardless of when the crime charged or committed became a qualifying offense pursuant to this chapter, and regardless of when the person was convicted of the qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or a similar crime under the laws of the United States or any other state, or pursuant to the United States Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C., Sections 801 and following, or when a juvenile petition is sustained for commission of a qualifying offense described in subdivision (a) of Section 296 or a similar crime under the laws of the United States or any other state.