Currrent as of February 4, 2022
Senate Bill No. 307
Introduced by Senator McGuire |
An act to add Section 93006 to the Government Code, relating to transportation.
SB 307, as amended, McGuire. North Coast Railroad Authority: County of Humboldt: state moneys.
Existing law creates the North Coast Railroad Authority with various powers and duties relating to rail service in the north coast area of the state, including the authority to acquire, own, operate, and lease real and personal property reasonably related to the operation and maintenance of railroads, the planned transfer of all of the authority’s assets, and the authority’s dissolution. Under existing law, the state is not liable for any contracts, debts, or other obligations of the authority.
This bill would prohibit the use of state moneys to initiate or operate rail service on the authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits or for a project that is designed to rehabilitate, modernize, maintain, or repair an existing operation or facility, including a rail terminal, a railyard, a rail facility, and rail infrastructure, on the authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits. The bill would prohibit spending state moneys for any new bulk coal terminal project, as defined, within the County of Humboldt.
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations as to the necessity of a special statute for the authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits and the County of Humboldt.
Vote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: no
Section 93006 is added to the Government Code, to read:
(a) State moneys shall not be used to initiate or operate rail service on the North Coast Railroad Authority’s, or Great Redwood Trail Agency’s, rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits or for a project that is designed to rehabilitate, modernize, maintain, or repair an existing operation or facility, including a rail terminal, a railyard, a rail facility, and rail infrastructure, on the North Coast Railroad Authority’s, or Great Redwood Trail Agency’s, rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits.
(b) State moneys, including proceeds from the sale of general obligation bonds, shall not be spent for any new bulk coal terminal projects within the County of Humboldt.
(c) For purposes of this section, “new bulk coal terminal” means a terminal that stores, handles, or transports coal in bulk to a degree or significance that is categorized as having the potential for significant impacts in an environmental document prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code) as a result of the storage, handling, or transport of coal in bulk.
SEC. 2.
The Legislature finds and declares that a special statute is necessary and that a general statute cannot be made applicable within the meaning of Section 16 of Article IV of the California Constitution because of the unique geological and environmental conditions existing in and around the North Coast Rail Authority’s rail rights-of-way north of the City of Willits and in the County of Humboldt.
SB 307