
Welfare and Institutions Code – WIC § 5650

(a) The State Department of Health Care Services and each county shall have a performance contract for community mental health services, the Mental Health Services Act, the Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness grant, the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant, and other federal grants or other county mental health programs.

(b) The department shall develop the county mental health services performance contract, which shall be effective for an initial period of three years.  The department shall provide the three-year performance contract to the county by January 2 of the year the existing performance contract expires.  The county shall adopt, execute, and return the performance contract by May 1 of the year the existing contract expires.

(c) The department may extend the term of the contract for two one-year periods.  If the department extends the term of the performance contract, the department shall notify the county by January 2 of the year the existing performance contract expires.  The county shall adopt, execute, and return the extension to the performance contract by May 1 of the year the existing contract expires.

(d) The department may amend the contract at any time during the term of the contract and the county shall have 90 days from receipt of an amendment to adopt, execute, and return the amendment to the department.

(e) For the purposes of this chapter, provisions of law referring to the county shall be construed to include counties, counties acting jointly, and cities receiving funds pursuant to Section 5701.5 .