First-Line Supervisors of Entertainment and Recreation Workers, Except Gambling Services
Directly supervise and coordinate activities of entertainment and recreation related workers.
Sample of reported job titles: Caddymaster, Community Life Director, Hair Salon Manager, Hotel Services Supervisor, Recreation Coordinator, Salon Manager
This title represents an occupation for which data collection is currently underway.
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Tasks | Technology Skills | Tools Used | Detailed Work Activities | Job Zone | Credentials | Wages & Employment | Job Openings

- Analyze and record personnel or operational data and write related activity reports.
- Apply customer feedback to service improvement efforts.
- Assign work schedules, following work requirements, to ensure quality and timely delivery of service.
- Collaborate with staff members to plan or develop programs of events or schedules of activities.
- Direct or coordinate the activities of entertainment and recreation related workers.
- Furnish customers with information on events or activities.
- Inform workers about interests or special needs of specific groups.
- Inspect work areas or operating equipment to ensure conformance to established standards in areas such as cleanliness or maintenance.
- Meet with managers or other supervisors to stay informed of changes affecting workers or operations.
- Observe and evaluate workers’ appearance and performance to ensure quality service and compliance with specifications.
- Participate in continuing education to stay abreast of industry trends and developments.
- Plan, direct, or supervise recreational and entertainment activities led by staff, such as sports, aquatics, games, or performing arts.
- Provide staff with assistance in performing difficult or complicated duties.
- Recruit and hire staff members.
- Requisition supplies and equipment necessary for workers to facilitate recreational or entertainment activities, such as safety harnesses, flash lights, or first aid kits.
- Resolve customer complaints regarding worker performance or services rendered.
- Serve as a point of contact between managerial staff and leaders of recreational or entertainment activities.
- Take disciplinary action to address performance problems.
- Train workers in proper operational procedures and functions and explain company policies.
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Technology Skills

- Calendar and scheduling software — Work scheduling software
- Electronic mail software — Microsoft Outlook
- Internet browser software — Web browser software
- Inventory management software — Inventory management systems
- Office suite software — Microsoft Office
- Point of sale POS software
- Presentation software — Microsoft PowerPoint
- Spreadsheet software — Microsoft Excel
- Time accounting software — Timekeeping software
- Word processing software — Microsoft Word
Hot Technology — a technology requirement frequently included in employer job postings.
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Detailed Work Activities

- Evaluate employee performance.
- Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
- Manage operations of artistic or entertainment departments or organizations.
- Resolve customer complaints or problems.
- Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
- Confer with organizational members to accomplish work activities.
- Develop plans for programs or services.
- Inspect equipment to ensure proper functioning.
- Inspect facilities.
- Maintain knowledge of business operations.
- Maintain professional knowledge or certifications.
- Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
- Organize recreational activities or events.
- Perform human resources activities.
- Prepare operational reports or records.
- Provide attraction or event information to patrons.
- Supervise service workers.
- Support the professional development of others.
- Train service staff.
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Job Zone
Title | Job Zone Two: Some Preparation Needed |
Education | These occupations usually require a high school diploma. |
Related Experience | Some previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is usually needed. For example, a teller would benefit from experience working directly with the public. |
Job Training | Employees in these occupations need anywhere from a few months to one year of working with experienced employees. A recognized apprenticeship program may be associated with these occupations. |
Job Zone Examples | These occupations often involve using your knowledge and skills to help others. Examples include orderlies, counter and rental clerks, customer service representatives, security guards, upholsterers, and tellers. |
SVP Range | (4.0 to < 6.0) |
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Wages & Employment Trends
Median wage data for First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service and Entertainment and Recreation Workers, Except Gambling Services.
Employment data for First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service and Entertainment and Recreation Workers, Except Gambling Services.
Industry data for First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service and Entertainment and Recreation Workers, Except Gambling Services.
Median wages (2020) | $20.19 hourly, $42,000 annual |
State wages | |
Local wages | |
Employment (2020) | 200,400 employees |
Projected growth (2020-2030) | ![]() |
Projected job openings (2020-2030) | 28,600 |
State trends | |
Top industries (2020) |
Health Care and Social Assistance
Other Services (Except Public Administration)
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2020 wage data and 2020-2030 employment projections
. “Projected growth” represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2020-2030). “Projected job openings” represent openings due to growth and replacement.
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Job Openings on the Web

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