CACI 207 Evidence Applicable to One Party
California Civil Jury Instructions CACI
207 Evidence Applicable to One Party
[During the trial, I explained that certain evidence could be considered as to only one party. You may not consider that evidence as to any other party.]
[During the trial, I explained that certain evidence could be considered as to one or more parties but not to every party. You may not consider that evidence as to any other party.]
Directions for Use
If appropriate, an instruction limiting the parties to whom evidence applies must be given on request. (Evid. Code, § 355.) It is recommended that the judge call attention to the party or parties to which the evidence applies.
For an instruction on evidence admissible for a limited purpose, see CACI No. 206, Evidence Admitted for Limited Purpose.
Sources and Authority
• Evidence Applicable to One Party. Evidence Code section 355.