CACI VF-5000 General Verdict Form—Single Plaintiff—Single Defendant—Single Cause of Action
California Civil Jury Instructions CACI
VF-5000 General Verdict Form—Single Plaintiff—Single Defendant—Single Cause of Action
Select one of the following two options:
We find in favor of [name of plaintiff] and against [name of defendant] and award damages to [name of plaintiff] in the amount of $.
We find in favor of [name of defendant] and against [name of plaintiff].
Signed: Presiding Juror
After [this verdict form has/all verdict forms have] been signed, notify the [clerk/bailiff/court attendant] that you are ready to present your verdict in the courtroom.
New September 2003; Revised December 2010
Directions for Use
Use of a special verdict form is recommended when there are different measures of damages for the different causes of action.