CACI VF-5001 General Verdict Form—Single Plaintiff—Single Defendant—Multiple Causes of Action

California Civil Jury Instructions CACI

VF-5001 General Verdict Form—Single Plaintiff—Single Defendant—Multiple Causes of Action

For each claim, select one of the two options listed.

On [name of plaintiff]’s claim for [insert first cause of action]

 we find in favor of [name of plaintiff] and against [name of defendant].

 we find in favor of [name of defendant] and against [name of plaintiff].

On [name of plaintiff]’s claim for [insert second cause of action]

 we find in favor of [name of plaintiff] and against [name of defendant].

 we find in favor of [name of defendant] and against [name of plaintiff].

Complete the section below only if you find in favor of [name of plaintiff] on at least one of [his/her/nonbinary pronoun/its] claims.

We award [name of plaintiff] the following damages: $.

Signed:Presiding Juror

After [this verdict form has/all verdict forms have] been signed, notify the [clerk/bailiff/court attendant] that you are ready to present your verdict in the courtroom.

Directions for Use

Use of a special verdict form is recommended when there are different measures of damages for the different causes of action.